House Manager Report 
July 10, 2024

1. Client Statistics
We served 318 households in June, 555 adults and 531 children. This is 103 households more than we served in May. In June we had 67 new clients. We averaged 16 households a day in June and 1198 households a day in May.

2. Volunteers
We have 49 regular volunteers.

Volunteer Lucinda Fleckenstein passed away Tuesday, July 2. Lucinda was diagnosed with Follicular Dendritic Cell Sarcoma, an exceedingly rare type of cancer, on June 6, and was determined to fight it with everything she had. But this aggressive disease very quickly stole the best of her, and she succumbed to it in the early morning hours. Lucinda was a wonderful volunteer. We will miss her. May her soul rest in peace.

Doris, who volunteered at the House for over 14 years, recently moved to California to be closer to her daughter.

3. Donation Status
Our most pressing current needs are:
Small household appliances; microwaves, toasters, coffee pots, blenders, and fans

Blankets/comforters (all sizes)
Bed sheets (all sizes)
Towels and washcloths
Athletic shoes, both men’s and women’s
Can openers
Children’s clothes sizes 24 months and up, especially boy’s sizes 6 to 8
Pajamas for men, women, and children
Men’s jeans and athletic pants
Vacuum cleaners

4. Business/Community Contacts
During the summer months we have high school students and members of other organizations volunteer with us.

5. Community Outreach
One of the organizations we work with is PBJ Outreach, Inc (Peanut Butter and Jelly). It is a non-profit focused on feeding and clothing poor and marginalized persons living in the Detroit metropolitan area. We give them clothes and water-bottles we have too many of. They give us clothes for teens and younger children they don't need.

6. Facility Status
On Wednesday May 15 Kone Elevator installed a phone in our elevator. We are waiting for the State of Michigan's elevator inspector to confirm its function and award us a state certification of use.

7. Safety Issues

8. Incidents

A client suffered from severe abdominal pain and profuse sweating while at the House. One of our volunteers called an ambulance and the client was transported to the hospital. He returned the next day saying he was feeling much better.

9. Areas that need attention

10. Client Stories

11. Overall Appearance and Organization
The store, sorting, and tagging areas are looking well.

Submitted by Gemaya Griffin, House Manager